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Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
MrFekaduAberaOda Bultum UniversityEthiopiaCybersecurity Education and TrainingMsc in Adult Health NursingBest Researcher Award
DrRaviChaturvediXishuangbanna Tropical Botanical GardenChinaOthersEnvironmentBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrFedericaPaciUniversity of VeronaItalyCybersecurity Risk Management and GovernanceHuman Factors in Cyber SecurityBest Researcher Award
DrSampsonAnomahKumasi Technical UniversityGhanaOthersInformation Systems AuditExcellence in Innovation
MrsSushamaDeshmukhJNEC MGMU AurangabadIndiaCryptography for Privacy and AnonymityComputer Science & EngineeringBest Researcher Award
ProfHaoChenShanghai Sixth People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of MedicineChinaOthersBiomedicineBest Researcher Award
DrIndrastanti RatnaWidiasariSatya Wacana Christian UniversityIndonesiaMalware Analysis and DetectionNetworkingBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrOusmaneTHIAREUniversité Gaston BergerSenegalOthersIoTBest Researcher Award
ProfAliMANSOURENSTA BretagneFranceOthersApplied Mathematics, Signal Processing, Wireless Telecommunication, Robotics and Biomedical EngBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrNURENIAZEEZUniversity of Lagos.NigeriaIntrusion Detection and PreventionCybersecurityExcellence in Research
ProfYongyongZhangNorthwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of SciencesChinaOthersSoil hydrology and ecohydrologyBest Researcher Award
Assist. Prof. DrMANISHKUMARSeoul National University of Science and TechnologySouth KoreaHuman Factors in Cybersecurity and Cryptography.IoT, Digital Twin, Resource Allocation, AuthenticationExcellence in Privacy-Preserving Technologies
MsSwatiSharmaJamia Millia Islamia New DelhiIndiaOthersMicrogrids, metaheuristic algorithmBest Researcher Award
DrYuxingYangXi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool UniversityChinaIntrusion Detection and PreventionAbnormal Event Detection for Video SurveillanceBest Researcher Award
DrS M A KAzadSV College of EngineeringIndiaCybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure and Industrial Control SystemsIoTBest Researcher Award
MrHayelomGebryeUESTC, ChinaEthiopiaIntrusion Detection and PreventionDDoS attack detectionBest Researcher Award
DrAmaniBENAMORUniversity of LimogesFranceOthersPhysical Layer Security for Wireless NetworksBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrTiborKrenickyTechnical University of KošiceSlovakiaOtherssafetyBest Researcher Award
MrYikunPANHong Kong PolyUHong KongOthersComputer vision/ video anomaly detectionBest Researcher Award
DrMuthukrishnanAVel Tech Rangarajan Dr Sagunthala R and D Institute of Science and TechnologyIndiaOthersMagnetized Hopfield Neural NetworkBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for


International Research Awards on Cybersecurity and Cryptography
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