Vincent Ogweno | Scientific Digital Security

Mr. Vincent Ogweno : Leading Researcher in Scientific Digital Security

Michigan State University, United States.

Congratulations, Mr. Vincent Ogweno, on winning the esteemed Best Researcher Award from ResearchW! Your dedication, innovative research, and scholarly contributions have truly made a significant impact in your field. Your commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of research is commendable. Here’s to your continued success in shaping the future of academia and making invaluable contributions to your field. Well done!

Profile: Scopus

  • Michigan State University Doctor of Philosophy – PhD, Geography · (August 2023 – May 2028)
  • The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Masters, Mathematical Sciences · (September 2020 – August 2021)
  • Meru University of Science and Technology Bachelor’s degree, Statistics · (2013 – 2017)
  • Train My Generation Project Director October 2021 – Present (2 years 3 months)
  • Michigan State University Ph.D. Student & GLISA Research Fellow August 2023 – Present (5 months)
  • African Institute of Mathematical Sciences Graduate MSc Mathematical Sciences August 2020 – July 2021 (1 year)
  • Slum and urban deprivation in compacted and peri-urban neighborhoods in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Assessing cropland disagreement in Tanzania using machine learning methods with Sentinel-2 and Planet Scope imagery

May your efforts cultivate a future where the skies are not only filled with innovation but are also fortified against the challenges that technological progress may bring.

Wishing you continued success in your endeavors to secure the future of “Scientific Digital Security “.

Award Manager,
Cybersecurity Awards,
International Research Awards on Cybersecurity and Cryptography,


Essam Hebishy | Cybersecurity and Cryptography

Dr. Essam Hebishy  : Leading Researcher in Cybersecurity and Cryptography.

University of Lincoln, United Kingdom.

Congratulations, Dr. Essam Hebishy, on winning the esteemed Best Researcher Award from ResearchW! Your dedication, innovative research, and scholarly contributions have truly made a significant impact in your field. Your commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of research is commendable. Here’s to your continued success in shaping the future of academia and making invaluable contributions to your field. Well done!

Dr. Essam Hebishy is currently working as Senior Lecturer in Food Science and Technology at The National Centre for Food Manufacturing, University of Lincoln, United Kingdom. He has extensive experience in Dairy Science, Chemistry and Technology including heat stability, fouling and rehydration properties of varying levels of dairy powders. He is also leading a KTP project to improve hydration and cooking properties of marrowfat peas in collaboration with Princes Foods UK. He has secured research funding with a value of £607,000 from UK and overseas organisations. He was recently awarded 2 grants from The Royal Society which will create new knowledge in research areas including salt, sugar and fat reduction and alternative protein sources.

Profile: Scopus, Orcid

  • University of Lincoln (Level 7 Academic Professional Degree Apprenticeship (Master degree) in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (PGDip))
  • Autonomous University of Barcelona (Food Science and Technology)
  • Cairo University (Dairy Science and Technology)
  • Cairo University (Agriculture Sciences with speciality in Dairy Science and Technology)

Dr. Essam Hebishy, He has published more than 30 research articles (papers, book chapters, and proceedings etc.).

  • Essam Hebishy*, Han Du, Thais C. Brito-Oliveira, Samantha C. Pinho and Song Miao. Saltiness perception in gel-based food systems (gels and emulsion filled gels). Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition,
  • Essam Hebishy*, Oktay Yerlikaya, Jennifer Mahony, Asli Akpinar, Derya Saygili. Microbiological Aspects and Challenges of Whey Powders – I Thermoduric, Thermophilic and Spore-forming Bacteria. (2023). Int J Dairy Technol, 76(4), 779-800.
  • Martindale, W., Hollands, T. Æ., Jagtap, S., Hebishy, E., & Duong, L. (2023). Turn‐key research in food processing and manufacturing for reducing the impact of climate change. International Journal of Food Science & Technology.
  • Hebishy, E., & Tas, A. A. (2023). 4-hexylresorcinol and sodium metabisulphite-based edible coatings for avocado shelf-life extension. Applied Food Research, 3(1), 100289.
  • Buchanan, D., Martindale, W., Romeih, E. and Hebishy, E*. (2023), Recent advances in whey processing and valorisation: Technological and environmental perspectives. Int J Dairy Technol, 76: 291-312.
  • Hebishy, E.*, Le Berre, M., Crowley, S. V., & O’Mahony, J. A. (2022). Two-stage valve homogenisation enhances particle dispersion in milk protein concentrates during reconstitution and reduces heat-induced particle aggregation in resultant dispersions. Frontiers in Food Science and Technology, 2, 1032373.
  • Hebishy, E.*, Collette, L., Iheozor‐Ejiofor, P., & Onarinde, B. A. (2022). Stability and antimicrobial activity of lemongrass essential oil in nanoemulsions produced by high‐intensity ultrasounds and stabilized by soy lecithin, hydrolyzed whey proteins, gum Arabic, or their ternary admixture. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 46(10), e16840.
Book Chapters:
  • Giovanni Barone, Diana Oliveira, Anuya Mane and Essam Hebishy*. (2024). Isolation, fractionation and enrichment of casein fractions: conventional, emerging and lab techniques. In “Casein: Structural Properties, Uses, Health Benefits and Nutraceutical Applications”. Book chapters under review by editors, expected online Jan, 2024.
  • Anuya Mane, Diana Oliveira, Giovanni Barone and Essam Hebishy*. (2024). Analytical techniques for casein and its fractions. In “Casein: Structural Properties, Uses, Health Benefits and Nutraceutical Applications”. Book chapters under review by editors, expected online Jan, 2024.
Conference Contribution:
  • Ortali, A., Hebishy, E., Vipond, W., Agnew, P., Taylor, T., & Onarinde, B. (2022). Soaking water properties and pea (Pisum sativum) evaluation.
  • Hebishy, E. Joubran, Y., Murphy, E. & O’Mahony, J.A (2017). Effect of Lecithin Addition on the Physical and Thermal Stability of Model Fat-Filled Milk Oil-In-Water Emulsions. The 17th edition of the Food Colloids conference: Application of Soft Matter Concepts to be held on April 8-11, 2018 in Leeds, UK. (Poster).
  • Hebishy, E. Joubran, Y., Murphy, E. & O’Mahony, J.A (2017). Impact of calcium binding salts on heat stability and fouling of whey protein isolate. The 17th edition of the Food Colloids conference: Application of Soft Matter Concepts to be held on April 8-11, 2018 in Leeds, UK. (Poster).
Research Funding:
  • Oleofoams and Air-in-Oil-in-Water Emulsions as a strategy for Fat Reduction in Foods.
  • Design of novel nanocomposite hydrogels with sodium binding, mucoadhesion and mucopenetration properties for salt reduction in food applications.
  • Effect of different microbial laccase on decolourisation of protein isolated from microalgae for food applications
Academic quantitative indicators:
  • Publications in journals with selective editorial policy: 21
  • Book Chapter: 5
  • Number of citations received in Google Scholar (387, H-factor 8)

May your efforts cultivate a future where the skies are not only filled with innovation but are also fortified against the challenges that technological progress may bring.

Wishing you continued success in your endeavors to secure the future of Cybersecurity and Cryptography .

Warm Regards,
Award Manager,
Cybersecurity Awards,
International Research Awards on Cybersecurity and Cryptography,