Hailu Lemma | Indeginous knowledge Award | Best Innovation Award

Mr. Hailu Lemma, Indeginous knowledge Award, Best Innovation Award

Hailu Lemma at Bule Hora University, Ethiopia

Mr. Hailu Lemma is an experienced professional in the field of environmental health science with a strong background in education, research, and practical work. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Health Science and has dedicated his career to promoting public health through environmental interventions. With over seven years of professional experience, Mr. Lemma has served in various capacities, including as a licensing and inspecting officer for food, medicine, and healthcare-related institutions in Addis Ababa city administration. He has also held positions as the head of the vital event registration sector, where he managed vital event data and addressed political issues affecting the sector.

Currently, Mr. Lemma serves as an instructor in the Department of Environmental Health Science at Bule Hora University in Ethiopia. In this role, he is actively involved in teaching, conducting research, and providing community services related to environmental health issues. His research interests encompass a wide range of topics, including water quality and sanitation, air pollution and respiratory health, waste management, occupational health and safety, environmental epidemiology, climate change and health, and community health promotion. Through his work, Mr. Lemma is committed to advancing knowledge in environmental health science and contributing to the well-being of communities.



Mr. Hailu Lemma holds a degree in Environmental Health Science.

Professional Experience:

Mr. Hailu Lemma has a diverse professional experience spanning various sectors. He began his career as a Licensing and Inspecting Officer of food, medicine, and healthcare-related institutions at Wereda 05, Kolfe Keranio Sub City, Addis Ababa City Administration. In this role, he was responsible for licensing and inspecting establishments, promoting community health services through education, and addressing health-related issues such as waste management and pollution control. Following this, he served as the Head of the Vital Event Registration Sector at the same location, managing activities and ensuring the authenticity of vital event data. Currently, Mr. Lemma works as an Instructor at the Department of Environmental Health Science at Bule Hora University in the West Guji Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. In this capacity, he fulfills roles as an Assistant Lecturer, Lecturer, and Department Head, delivering lectures, conducting community services, and undertaking research in environmental health science.

Research Interest:

Water Quality and Sanitation: Studying the quality of water sources, including drinking water, surface water, and groundwater, and exploring methods for improving sanitation practices to prevent waterborne diseases.

Air Pollution and Respiratory Health: Investigating the sources and impacts of air pollution on respiratory health, including assessing the effectiveness of interventions to reduce air pollution levels and mitigate health risks.

Waste Management: Researching sustainable waste management practices, including solid waste disposal, recycling, and composting, to minimize environmental pollution and public health hazards.

Occupational Health and Safety: Examining occupational hazards and health risks in various workplaces, developing strategies for promoting workplace safety, and evaluating the effectiveness of occupational health interventions.

Environmental Epidemiology: Conducting epidemiological studies to assess the relationship between environmental exposures and health outcomes, such as studying the health effects of exposure to pollutants or hazardous substances.

Climate Change and Health: Investigating the impacts of climate change on human health, including heat-related illnesses, vector-borne diseases, food security, and mental health, and exploring adaptation and mitigation strategies.

Community Health Promotion: Developing and implementing community-based interventions to promote environmental health awareness, behavior change, and sustainable practices within communities.

Environmental Policy and Governance: Analyzing environmental policies, regulations, and governance structures at local, national, and international levels to identify opportunities for improving environmental health outcomes and addressing emerging environmental challenges.

Publication Top Noted:

Occupational safety of janitors in Ethiopian University during COVID-19 pandemic: Results from observational study

  • Authors: Daba, C., Gebrehiwot, M., Asefa, L., Lemma, H., Embrandiri, A., Debela, S.A.
  • Journal: Frontiers in Public Health
  • Year: 2022
  • Volume: 10
  • Article Number: 895977

Infectious medical waste management during the COVID-19 pandemic in public hospitals of West Guji zone, southern Ethiopia

  • Authors: Lemma, H., Asefa, L., Gemeda, T., Dhengesu, D.
  • Journal: Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health
  • Year: 2022
  • Volume: 15
  • Article Number: 101037

Antimicrobial Resistance Profile of Enterobacteriaceae and Drinking Water Quality Among Households in Bule Hora Town, South Ethiopia

  • Authors: Dhengesu, D., Lemma, H., Asefa, L., Tilahun, D.
  • Journal: Risk Management and Healthcare Policy
  • Year: 2022
  • Volume: 15
  • Pages: 1569–1580

Why Does COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance Rate Remain Low Among Patients with Chronic Diseases? Evidences from Public Hospitals of Ethiopia

  • Authors: Daba, C., Asefa, L., Lemma, H., Kebede, E., Gebrehiwot, M.
  • Journal: Patient Preference and Adherence
  • Year: 2022
  • Volume: 16
  • Pages: 1371–1380

Biomedical solid waste management system in Jimma Medical Center, Jimma town, South Western Ethiopia

  • Authors: Lemma, H., Dadi, D., Deti, M., Fekadu, S.
  • Journal: Risk Management and Healthcare Policy
  • Year: 2021
  • Volume: 14
  • Pages: 4037–4049


Vera Rusinova | International law | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Vera Rusinova, International law, Best Researcher Award

Professor at National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia


Prof. Vera Rusinova is a distinguished legal scholar and Professor at the Faculty of Law of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. She serves as the head of the School of International Law. With a focus on International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law, and the intersection of International Law with information and communications technologies, Prof. Rusinova has contributed significantly to the field. She has held leadership positions, including Co-Chair of the ILA Committee on Use of Force: Military Assistance on Request. Prof. Rusinova is also an esteemed Editor-in-Chief of the ‘Zhurnal VSHÉ po Mezhdunarodnomu Pravu (HSE University Journal of International Law)’ and serves on the editorial boards of prestigious journals such as the ‘Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies’ and the ‘International Cybersecurity Law Review’. Her expertise is internationally recognized, with her lectures, including ‘Human Rights in Armed Conflicts’, being featured in the UN Audiovisual Library of International Law.



Professtional Experience:

Prof. Vera Rusinova is a Professor at the Faculty of Law of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, where she serves as the head of the School of International Law. She has extensive experience in the field of international law, with a focus on various areas such as International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law, the use of force, the theory of International Law, and the application of International Law to information and communications technologies. Additionally, she has served as the Co-Chair of the ILA Committee on Use of Force: Military Assistance on Request. Prof. Rusinova is also actively involved in academic publishing, serving as the Editor-in-Chief of the ‘Zhurnal VSHÉ po Mezhdunarodnomu Pravu (HSE University Journal of International Law)’. Moreover, she is a member of the Editorial Groups/Boards of prestigious journals like the ‘Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies’ and the ‘International Cybersecurity Law Review’. Her expertise has been recognized internationally, with her lecture on ‘Human Rights in Armed Conflicts’ being included in the UN Audiovisual Library of International Law.

Research interests:

  1. International Human Rights Law: Studying the legal frameworks and mechanisms for protecting human rights at the international level, including issues related to civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights.
  2. International Humanitarian Law: Investigating the legal principles and rules governing armed conflict, including the protection of civilians, prisoners of war, and other non-combatants, as well as the regulation of weapons and tactics used in warfare.
  3. Use of Force: Analyzing the legal aspects surrounding the use of force in international relations, including self-defense, military intervention, and peacekeeping operations, as well as the role of international organizations in maintaining peace and security.
  4. Theory of International Law: Exploring foundational concepts and theoretical frameworks that underpin the development and interpretation of international legal norms, principles, and institutions.
  5. Application of International Law to Information and Communications Technologies: Examining the legal challenges and opportunities posed by advancements in technology, including issues related to cyber warfare, data privacy, digital rights, and the regulation of online activities.

“Qualification of the Harmful Use of Information and Communications Technologies Under International Law: In Search of a Consensus”

  • Author: VN Rusinova
  • Journal: Russian Journal of World Politics and Law of Nations
  • Volume: 1
  • Issue: 4
  • Pages: 32-46
  • Year: 2023

“Principle of the Sovereign Equality of States in the Digital Realm”

  • Author: V Rusinova
  • Book: Digital International Relations
  • Pages: 91-105
  • Year: 2023

“Fighting Cyber Attacks with Sanctions: Digital Threats, Economic Responses”

  • Authors: V Rusinova, E Martynova
  • Journal: Israel Law Review
  • Pages: 1-40
  • Year: 2023

“Qualification of Harmful Use of Information and Communications Technologies under International Law: In Search of a Consensus”

  • Author: VN Rusinova
  • Journal: Moscow Journal of International Law
  • Pages: 38-51
  • Year: 2022

“Editors’ Introduction: State Immunity and the Need for a Global Discussion”

  • Authors: R Bismuth, V Rusinova, V Starzhenetskiy, G Ulfstein
  • Book: Sovereign Immunity Under Pressure: Norms, Values and Interests
  • Pages: 1-6
  • Year: 2022