Melkam Belay | Cybersecurity | Excellence in Research

Mrs. Melkam Belay | Cybersecurity | Excellence in Research

PhD student at Dilla University College of Health Sciences and Medicine, Ethiopia


Mrs. Melkam Belay is an experienced professional in midwifery and reproductive health nursing. She obtained her BSc in Midwifery from Gondar University in July 2015 and completed her MSc in Maternity and Reproductive Health Nursing at Arba Minch University in September 2019. Her career includes roles as a Junior Midwife, Graduate Assistant II, and Lecturer at Dilla University, where she also pursued a PhD in Public Health from 2015 to 2016. Since 2007, Mrs. Belay has been an active member of the Ethiopian Midwives Association and has made significant contributions to healthcare sciences with over 15 published and ongoing papers.



Mrs. Melkam Belay completed her Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Midwifery at Gondar University in July 2015. Following this, she pursued further studies and earned a Master of Science (MSc) in Maternity and Reproductive Health Nursing from Arba Minch University, graduating in September 2019. Her academic journey has been complemented by practical experience and research pursuits in midwifery and public health, fostering her expertise in maternal care and reproductive health education.

Professional Experience:

Mrs. Melkam Belay has accumulated extensive professional experience in the field of midwifery and healthcare education. Her career began in 2008 at Bishoftu General Hospital, Oromia Region, Ethiopia, where she served as a Junior Midwife. From 2009 to 2010, she worked as a Graduate Assistant II at the Midwifery Department of Dilla University, progressing to an Assistant Lecturer role from 2011 to 2012. Demonstrating her commitment to academia and healthcare, Mrs. Belay continued to advance as a Lecturer at the Department of Midwifery at Dilla University from 2013 to 2015. Concurrently, she pursued her PhD in Public Health at Dilla University from 2015 to 2016, focusing on enhancing her research and teaching capabilities. Her tenure at various educational and healthcare institutions has enriched her expertise in midwifery practices and maternal health education, underpinned by her active membership in the Ethiopian Midwives Association since 2007.

Research Interest:

Mrs. Melkam Belay’s research interests span several critical areas within midwifery and public health. Her focus includes maternal health and well-being, particularly in resource-limited settings, where she explores factors influencing maternal health outcomes and healthcare access. She is also keenly interested in reproductive health, with a particular emphasis on improving maternal and child health services through evidence-based interventions. Mrs. Belay’s research endeavors aim to contribute to the development of effective healthcare strategies and policies that enhance maternal and reproductive health outcomes globally, addressing both clinical and socio-economic determinants.


Title: Comparison of effectiveness of Foley catheter versus vaginal misoprostol for cervical ripening in induction of labour in Gedeo zone public hospitals, Ethiopia, 2022. Quasi-experimental design

  • Authors: Temesgen, T., Figa, Z., Gido, R., Bedecha, F., Berwo, M.
  • Journal: International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences
  • Volume: 20
  • Article Number: 100734
  • Year: 2024
  • Citations: 0

Title: Pregnant mothers’ intention to use postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device and its associated factors in Arba Minch Town, Southern Ethiopia, 2022

  • Authors: Andargie, M., Debalkie, M., Lakew, S., Getie, A., Solomon, Z.
  • Journal: International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences
  • Volume: 20
  • Article Number: 100718
  • Year: 2024
  • Citations: 0
  • Status: Open access

Title: Factors associated with low fifth minute Apgar score among newborns delivered at public health facilities of Dilla town, Southern Ethiopia, 2022

  • Authors: Abebe, M., Tebeje, T.M., Gugsa, T., Solomon, Z., Hareru, H.E.
  • Journal: International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences
  • Volume: 20
  • Article Number: 100656
  • Year: 2024
  • Citations: 0
  • Status: Open access